Filming on Campus
Oglethorpe’s unique architecture, vast green space, and traditionalist interior design make it a popular choice for location scouts in Georgia’s booming film and television industry.
From feature productions to commercial filming to music videos, Oglethorpe’s campus offers scenery and locations appropriate for a variety of situations.
Key Locations
- Academic Quad
- Hearst Hall
- Lowry Hall
- Lupton Hall
- Hermance Stadium
- Turner Lynch Campus Center
- Residential Dormitories
Contact us
Productions on campus
The Cartoon Network maximized the dramatic feel of Philip Weltner Hall at night.

Hearst Hall serves as a stand-in for Duke University in season two of The Vampire Diaries.

Jack’s Restaurants turned the Academic Quad into a football and dance party for a commercial.

Oglethorpe grad Dina Marto’s 6 Degrees Productions utilized Hermance Stadium for a video shoot.

Belk’s created a tailgate party on the quad for a commercial.

A carpet company provoked a sword fight beneath Hermance Stadium.

In Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Oglethorpe’s lush campus plays the role of Princeton University.